Submit a Poster Abstract for the SGNA 52nd Annual Course
The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc. (SGNA) is soliciting poster abstracts for display in the Poster Center at the 52nd Annual Course June 1-3, 2025 (Pre-meeting events May 31) in Pittsburgh, PA.
SGNA welcomes proposals that have innovative and practical applications for nurses and associates in the practice of gastroenterology and endoscopy. Submitting a poster abstract is a great stepping-stone to submitting a podium abstract. SGNA accepts abstracts that fall into Education and Evidence-based Practice/Research categories.
To view the poster abstract criteria, guidelines and FAQs, please review the abstract guidelines.
Abstracts should be 200 words or less. The review is blind, and rating will be done without knowledge of presenters' names and/or affiliations.
If you have any questions, please contact SGNA. Once you've thoroughly read the information above and the abstract criteria, click 'Enter Now' on the right-hand side of the screen.
Submit a Poster Abstract